Rachel Brune is a graduate of Pope John XXIII High School in Sparta, NJ. She joined the army to get involved with film / video production and is now a really and truly embedded reporter in Iraq. Her latest report is from Mosul. Watch your back Rachel! Your Sussex County fan club wants you safe and sound. See her
ME3TV channel , the blog
SIEGERAT. Be sure to check
her photo album linked from the blog. MORE! If you click around a little you find out this is one VERY talented photographer - and writer too. Her black and white shots at Gettysburg are world class. You'll also find this woman is a musical artist with a CD on the market. My guess is, she probably can't cook though. The literary talent in her family extends to her sister who
wrote a book!
1 comment:
Well sometimes you hear about a talented young person and well it sort of makes you feel young and motivated again. Must be contagious. The country has a future and it is with people like Rachel Brune.She probably can cook as well , my guess.
submitted by Rob Gagnon of Summit NJ , Naval Order friend of Vic.
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