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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Green Township History (1) Intro

A HISTORY (PART 1) by Kelsey Falkowski. This was produced as a part of an Eagle Scout Service Project. Anyone from Green Township will appreciate the history in these videos. There are SEVEN segments for more than an HOUR of interesting information. Learn more about GREEN TOWNSHIP HERE. The DVD is available from Green Township. Sparta, NJ is another small NJ town in Sussex County - with a video featured on ME3Tv. You may enjoy a DVD "Voices of The Land" about NW-NJ History. The county produced an overview of the rural tourism opportunities that you can view HERE. Northwest NJ is surprisingly rural.

1 comment:

Alex Iskold said...

Hey there - cool SmartLink :)

You probably mean to create one for your blog. Try this:


Please let me know if you need help setting links or feeds up, would be happy to help.
