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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The HEART of PINE documentary on the longleaf

This film was presented recently for several days at the ARCADIA MILL site in Milton. If you have never visited the ARCADIA MILL - an 1830 industry in the Florida Panhandle ... you should. The boardwalk through the creek swamp and old mill site are an excellent introduction following a tour inside the museum.  Here is the film on the LONGLEAF PINE.  60 years ago, I wandered through second growth longleaf that was already  40 years old and very large. Many older trees remained in the forest - and carried "cat faces" from the harvest of turpentine.  This was a huge industry in the coastal plains "Pine Barrens" that blanketed the southeast.  It involved the rivers, the land and the people - along with tremendous mills and machinery with rails and communities to support the whole enterprise.  MOST OF THAT IS NOW A MEMORY. It was only a fragment of itself in 1960.   Watch this film and learn about that amazing resource .. and perhaps the hopes to bring some of that back again.
Presented here courtesy of  Conflict Free Collards

LONGLEAF: THE HEART OF PINE from The Southern Documentary Project on Vimeo.

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