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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Miscellaneous musings...

This is from Tom Richarme
Recently completed readings of three Lincoln related books:
The Age of Lincoln by Orville Vernon Burton
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation by Allen C. Guelzo
Act of Justice--Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the Law of War
by Carnahan, Burrus M.
If you run out of things to do with your life they make an interesting trilogy. Am about to begin Stephen E. Ambrose's Nothing Like It In The World-The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad. Ambrose is really an excellent writer, as well as historian.

I plan on retiring from my so called (work) life here at the end of May, so I will have time to read the 20 history books that I still have in a pile from my History Book Club days-in the words of Sandra's grandfather, Mr. Pat Faulkner of Commerce Georgia still ringing in my ears: "boy, if you really don't need it, it don't matter what its on sale for!" (words of wisdom that I still struggle to adopt-but then again, he would be the ruination of our consumer economy). Posted to

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