"No One KnowsWhat It's Like To Be The Cab Man" I ordered my copy from Amazon.com but you can also get it in Sussex County NJ at the Highland Lakes General Store and at Annies Books in Sussex. APRIL Story in the NJ Herald. There is adult content and strong language. Meyer may miss a lot of potential market by presenting his observations on life with complete lack of PC and with a strong dose of gutter language. He could have used an editor to check out some spelling. And there is room for a little better organization of thought. On the other hand, for the daring soul - this book will give you a good dose of human psychology behind the veil of proper society. Even with some grammatical and organizational shortcomings - his first person narrative is a smooth and fun read. Avoid giving a copy to your pastor as a gift - and certainly not to his wife! Meyer truly takes the narrative below the belt. Be warned. His narrative might find a great audience as a serial in some magazine like "Rolling Stone".
1 comment:
10/7/08 at 7.30pm
Book Signing And discussion
Vernon Autnor Ron Meyer Will be selling and signing his Critically Acclaimed book
No One Knows What It's Like To Be The Cab Man
at The Cafe D'Licious 233 RT 94 Vernon NJ
Ta ke a fun filled ride with Ron and share his stories
Special appearence by TAXI DOG
for info call 973-632-2005
Reuters News.Com Review, "Hillarious, side splittingly Funny"
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